New information Resources

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Early Support have produced a range of new, updated and refreshed information resources. Early Support is a Government funded approach to improving services for disabled children and young people. It is based at leading children’s charity the National Children’s Bureau.

The Early Support information resources describe, discuss and explore specific conditions, disabilities and difficulties and more general information that parent carers and young people have said they would find useful to know. Early Support provides a wide range of FREE resources and training to support children, young people, families and service deliverers.

The resources were produced in response to requests from families, professional agencies and voluntary organisations for better standard information about particular conditions or disabilities and more general and reliable background knowledge resources.

Kim Bevan, Director of Early Support, said: ‘Parents, carers, young people and practitioners have told us how much they value having reliable and accurate sources of information – this is what the Early Support information resources provide. We hope these resources will open the door to increased knowledge about conditions, disabilities, additional needs and the support that could be available for all, from birth to adulthood . We would like to thank all of our voluntary sector partners for so generously sharing their knowledge and expertise in helping us to produce these resources – the sector have stepped up and provided high quality resources for all

‘Over the coming months, we will be providing additional versions of all of these resources in web-based versions, with photographs, diagrams and film footage to ensure they are engaging and interactive when accessed online.’

About the National Children’s Bureau

The National Children’s Bureau (NCB) is a leading research and development charity working to improve the lives of children and young people, especially the most vulnerable. The NCB work with children, for children to reduce the impact of inequalities, by influencing government policy, being the voice for 200,000 front-line professionals, and inspiring practical solutions on a range of social issues including health, education and youth justice, through our extensive research and evidence work.

Every year the NCB reach more than 100,000 children and young people through the membership scheme, links with voluntary, statutory and private organisations, and the 30 specialist partnership programmes that operate under their charitable status.

Early Support resources can be accessed at:


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